Star Spangled Push-Ups

July 4, 2023
Star Spangled Push-Ups

Star Spangled Push-Ups

Beginner: Wide Hands Push-Up

  1. Start in a plank position with your hands wider than shoulder-width apart.
  2. Slowly bend your elbows out to the side as you lower your body toward the floor. Pause when your chest is slightly hovering from the floor.
  3. Engage your core as you press into your hands to lift your body back to the starting position. Do this push-up 10 times. (You can also wrap a resistance band around the back and hold an end in each hand for a greater challenge).
Man doing a push-up on the floor

Moderate: Diamond Push-Up

  1. Start in a plank position, with your hands together and angled inward at 45 degrees. Your index fingers and thumbs should touch to form a triangle (or diamond).
  2. Keeping your elbows tight to your body, bend them to lower your chest toward the floor.
  3. Engage your core as you press into your hands to lift your body back to the starting position. Remember to keep the triangle directly below your chest throughout the movement. Do this diamond push-up 10 times. (You can also wrap a resistance band around the back and hold an end in each hand for a greater challenge).

Advanced: Staggered Hands Push-Up

  1. Starting in a plank position, move one hand forward and the other back so they’re offset by about 6 to 12 inches.
  2. Slowly bend your elbows as you lower your body toward the floor. Pause when your chest is slightly hovering from the floor.
  3. Engage your core as you press into your hands to lift your body back to the starting position.
  4. Keep your elbows tight to your body throughout the movement. Do this staggered push-up 10 times. Switch the fore and aft positions of your hands to work the other side. (You can also wrap a resistance band around the back and hold an end in each hand for a greater challenge).
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