Partner workout to Spice up your Valentine’s Day

February 12, 2024
Partner workout to Spice up your Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day isn’t just for chocolates and flowers. It also can be an excellent opportunity to get moving with this partner workout.

The holiday of love is actually in the top 10 of America’s most-fattening holidays.

So, that’s even more reason to break a sweat! Take your V-Day to the next level with this full-hour partner workout. Grab your valentine (or galentine), and let’s get to it!


Timed Partner Workout Switches, 60 seconds each:

  • Partner 1 doing Sweeping Good Mornings and Partner 2 doing Windmills, then switch.
  • Partner 1 doing Squats and Partner 2 doing Push-Ups, then switch.
  • Partner 1 doing Jacks and Partner 2 doing Lunges (any style), then switch.
  • Partner 1 doing Squat Thurst Lite and Partner 2 doing Broad Jumps, then switch.


Joint Partner exercises, 90 seconds each, then repeat the list of exercises before moving on to Round 2:

  • Wheelbarrow Squats, where one partner is in a Push-Up position and the other partner is holding their feet. As the first partner does a Push-Up, the second partner then does a Squat. Switch halfway.
  • Leg Pushes, where one partner is lying on his/her back with legs extended to the sky, while the other partner is standing over the first partner’s head. The standing partner then pushes the lying partner’s legs down repeatedly. Switch halfway.
  • Plank Jump Overs, where one partner is in a High Plank position and then lowers down for a Hand-Release Push-Up. When the first partner is flat on the ground, the second partner hops or steps over him/her.
  • Wall Sit + Tricep Dips, where one partner is in a Wall Sit position against a wall, while the other partner places his/her hands on the first partner’s knees to perform Tricep Dips. Switch halfway through.
  • Squatted Ball Passes, where partners are in a Squat position back to back. Twist to pass a medicine ball or other weight to the other partner. Switch directions halfway through.
  • Plank + Sit-Up, where one partner is lying on his/her back with feet flat on the ground, and the other partner is in a Plank position with his/her hands on the other partner’s feet. The lying partner then performs Sit-Ups or Crunches. Switch halfway.


Counter-Switch Partner Sets, 5 minutes each set, switching back and forth when one partner completes the designated reps of one of the two exercises:

  • Partner 1 starts with 20 Heartbeats, while Partner 2 starts with Jump Rope.
  • Partner 1 starts with 20 Ribbon Squats, while Partner 2 starts with X-Country Skiers.
  • Partner 1 starts with 20 Plank SeeSaws, while Partner 2 starts with Squat Jumps.
  • Partner 1 starts with 20 total Side Lunges, while Partner 2 starts with Burpees.
  • Partner 1 starts with 20 Kettlebell Halos, while Partner 2 starts with Fast Feet.
  • Partner 1 starts with 20 V-Ups, while Partner 2 starts with Jacks.


Partner Plank-Off, with both partners in their hardest level of a Plank, holding for as long as possible. The first one to come down has to make the other a refreshing protein recovery shake! 

And don’t forget to stretch out afterward.

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