
Latest News
11 Jul

July, 2023

Most often, when mature people seemingly start to lose their independence, it’s not just because they’ve aged, it’s because they’ve remained inactive throughout their lives. Research tells us that nearly 70% of American adults (i.e. almost 12 million adults) are either sedentary or have low levels of physical activity.

Furthermore, muscle weakness, as a result of years of lack of strength training and exercise, is one of the biggest contributing factors to falls and greatly affects the quality of life for seniors.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

It’s never too late to start exercising

Americans now are living longer than ever, and incorporating daily activity into your life, especially as a senior, is more important than ever.

Even if you haven’t been a regular exerciser for most of your life, with the right fitness plans and trainers, you can establish a tailored exercise program that meets your specific needs – one that you’ll be able to sustain long term. 

Granted, your body won’t be what it once was and aches and pains may be more frequent, but the more you stay in shape now, the more you can prevent or slow down the symptoms of ageing, such as bone deterioration, slowing metabolism and weakened muscles. 

Before you get started, however, it’s a good idea to check in with your doctor.

It’s all about quality of life as you age

Building your cardiovascular fitness — via activities like walking, running, cycling – is important, but don’t neglect building your strength. You want to stay strong and maintain your muscles so you can continue to live an active, independent lifestyle for years to come.

As a senior, motivation to exercise it’s less about ‘getting ripped’ and more about being able to carry in the groceries and climb the stairs. Sure, it’s not as sexy-a-reason to train, but it’s definitely the more sensible one.

And, by incorporating regular exercise into your daily routine, you may help control blood sugar and insulin levels, reduce your risk of heart disease, improve your mental heath and mood, help keep bones strong, improve balance, and improve your sleep.

Know your body to help avoid injury

No matter what your age, there’s no one ‘right’ exercise program that will suit everyone. It all depends on your body, what you’re capable of and what you enjoy doing.

You need to know your body’s limitations and what to avoid, and that’s where a qualified personal trainer for seniors can really help. They’ll design exercises to help you avoid injury, which can be both a physical and mental set back.

Ultimately, however, it doesn’t matter if you’re lifting weights in the gym, doing outdoor exercises, or walking with friends, anything is better than nothing. The main thing is to focus on what you can do, not what you can’t do, and aim for consistency with your exercise. That’s where the true results lie.

If you could do with some guidance from some of North Myrtle Beach’s most qualified health and fitness coaches or you know that you’ll work harder with the motivation of one-on-one personal trainercheck us out.

The Fitness Zone has experienced, personal trainers and strength and conditioning coaches, we work with people 45 years and up to improve health and wellbeing though outdoor exercise and developing healthy, sustainable eating and lifestyle habits. 

07 Jul

Squats & Stripes

Beginner: Bodyweight Squat

Stand facing forward with your feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider. Extend your hands straight out in front of you to help keep your balance. You can also hold your hands at chest level or place them behind your head.

Bend at your knees and hips, like you’re about to sit in an imaginary chair. Keeping your chest lifted and your spine neutral, lower as far down as you can.

Make sure to keep your knees over your ankles and press your weight back into your heels.

To rise, push through your heels to bring yourself back to standing position. Do this squat 10 times. (For a greater challenge, place a loop band on the legs just above the knees).

Side view of a woman standing, then extending her arms out straight and bending into a squat position

Moderate: Jump Squat

Stand facing forward with your feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider. Extend your hands straight out in front of you to help keep your balance.

Bend at your knees and hips, like you’re about to sit in an imaginary chair. Keep your chest lifted and your spine neutral.

On the way up, explode up through your toes into a jump reaching your arms up overhead.

Land softly, immediately dropping back down and exploding back up again. Do this jump squat 10 times.

Side view of a woman standing, then lowering into a squat, and then jumping up in the air

Advanced: Squat with Kickback

Stand facing forward with your feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider. Drop down into a squat position.

As you come up, lift your right foot off the ground, squeezing your glute and kicking your leg back behind you.

Lower your right foot back to the ground, squat down again, and repeat. Do this squat with kickback 10 times before switching to kick your left leg back. (For a greater challenge, place a loop band on the legs just above the knees).

#daypass #Fitness #fitnessclub #womanfitness #gym #healthyliving #fitnesscenter

06 Jul

Red, White, & Glutes

Beginner: Forward Lunge

Stand tall holding a pair of dumbbells by your sides (palms facing in) with your feet hip-width apart. (If it is too challenging, you can do this lunge without the dumbbells).

Keeping your chest up, shoulders back, and back flat, take a large step forward with your right foot. Lower your body until your front thigh is parallel to the ground and your rear knee is bent 90 degrees.

Pause, and then reverse the movement to return to starting position. Do this forward lunge with the right foot 10 times. Switch and then step forward with your left foot. (For a greater challenge, wrap a loop band around the legs just above the knees).

Woman holding dumbells at side standing, then moving into a lunge

Moderate: Curtsy Lunge

Stand tall holding a pair of dumbbells by your sides (palms facing in) with your feet hip-width apart. (If it is too challenging, you can do this lunge without the dumbbells).

Take a big step back with your right leg, crossing it behind your left. Bend your knees and lower your hips until your left thigh is nearly parallel to the floor.

Keep your torso upright and your hips and shoulders square. Return to starting position.

Then repeat on the other side. This completes one rep. Do this alternating curtsy lunge 10 times. (For a greater challenge, wrap a loop band around the legs just above the knees).

Advanced: Jump Lunge

Take a large step forward with your right foot. Lower your body until your front thigh is parallel to the ground and your rear knee is bent 90 degrees. Prepare to jump by leaning slightly forward and contracting your core muscles.

Explosively drive both feet into the floor and launch your body upward, fully extending your knees and hips. As you jump into the air, bring your feet quickly together and switch positions as you begin to land.

When you land, your forward knee should be over your forward foot. Avoid remaining on the toes of the forward foot. Keep your hips back and allow your knees to bend deeply to absorb the landing. Don’t lock your knees.

Drop to a deep lunge position as you prepare to start the next jump lunge. Do this jump lunge 10 times.

#fitnesscenter #womanfitness #Fitness #healthyliving #daypass #fitnessclub #gym

05 Jul

Independence Row

Beginner: Bent Over Row

The starting position for this move is similar to that of a deadlift, with hinged hips and a flat back. Hold a dumbbell in each hand and stand with feet hip-width apart.

Hinge at the hips until your chest is parallel to the floor and back is flat. Lower dumbbells to the floor until arms are straight.

Squeezing the shoulder blades together, slowly bend your elbows to pull the dumbbells back toward your hips.

Make sure to keep your elbows tight next to your body. Return to starting position. Do this bent over 10 times.

Moderate: Single Leg Bent Over Row

Holding a dumbbell in each hand, stand with feet hip-width apart.

Hinge at the hips until your chest is parallel to the floor and back is flat.

Lift one foot off the ground and extend it straight back. Lower the dumbbells to the floor until elbows are completely straight. Make sure to pull the shoulders down and away from the ears.

Squeeze your shoulder blades together, draw your belly button toward your spine, and slowly bend your elbows to pull the dumbbells back toward your hips. Return to start. Do this single leg row 10 times before switching legs.

Advanced: Plank Row (Renegade Row)

Place two dumbbells shoulder-width apart on the ground. Start in a high plank position, with shoulders stacked over the hands, each hand gripping a dumbbell, feet hip-width apart.

Pull your shoulders down and away from the ears, and slowly bend one elbow back, keeping arm close to your side as you pull the dumbbell up toward your hip.

Return to starting position, placing the dumbbell down softly.

Do this 10 times before switching to the opposite arm. #fitnessclub #womanfitness #fitnesscenter #Fitness #healthyliving #daypass #gym

04 Jul

Star Spangled Push-Ups

Beginner: Wide Hands Push-Up

  1. Start in a plank position with your hands wider than shoulder-width apart.
  2. Slowly bend your elbows out to the side as you lower your body toward the floor. Pause when your chest is slightly hovering from the floor.
  3. Engage your core as you press into your hands to lift your body back to the starting position. Do this push-up 10 times. (You can also wrap a resistance band around the back and hold an end in each hand for a greater challenge).
Man doing a push-up on the floor

Moderate: Diamond Push-Up

  1. Start in a plank position, with your hands together and angled inward at 45 degrees. Your index fingers and thumbs should touch to form a triangle (or diamond).
  2. Keeping your elbows tight to your body, bend them to lower your chest toward the floor.
  3. Engage your core as you press into your hands to lift your body back to the starting position. Remember to keep the triangle directly below your chest throughout the movement. Do this diamond push-up 10 times. (You can also wrap a resistance band around the back and hold an end in each hand for a greater challenge).

Advanced: Staggered Hands Push-Up

  1. Starting in a plank position, move one hand forward and the other back so they’re offset by about 6 to 12 inches.
  2. Slowly bend your elbows as you lower your body toward the floor. Pause when your chest is slightly hovering from the floor.
  3. Engage your core as you press into your hands to lift your body back to the starting position.
  4. Keep your elbows tight to your body throughout the movement. Do this staggered push-up 10 times. Switch the fore and aft positions of your hands to work the other side. (You can also wrap a resistance band around the back and hold an end in each hand for a greater challenge).
03 Jul

Firework Deadlifts

Beginner: Romanian Deadlift

  1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent. Hold a kettlebell at your thighs. (You can also use dumbbells if you don’t have a kettlebell).
  2. Hinge at the hips, bending slightly at your knees. With your back flat and torso parallel to the floor, lower the weight to reach your shins.
  3. Keeping your core tight, push through your heels to stand up straight. Keep the weight close to your shins as you pull up. This completes one rep. Do this deadlift 10 times.
Man doing kettlebell deadlift exercise

Moderate: Kickstand Deadlift

  1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Hold a dumbbell or kettlebell in each hand.
  2. Place one foot a foot-length in front of the other. Your stance should be staggered.
  3. Hinge at your hips to lower your body. With your back flat and torso parallel to the floor, lower the weights to reach your shin of your front leg.
  4. Keeping your core tight, push through your front heel to stand up straight. Keep the weights close to your shins as you pull up.
  5. This completes one rep. Do this kickstand deadlift 10 times before switching legs.

Advanced: Single RDL

  1. To start, stand with your feet together. Hold a dumbbell or kettlebell in each hand.
  2. Shift your weight to your right leg. While keeping a slight bend in your right knee, raise your left leg straight behind your body. Hinge at the hips to bring your torso parallel to the floor and lower the weights toward the floor.
  3. At the bottom of the movement, your torso and left leg should be almost parallel to the floor, with the weight hovering a few inches off the ground.
  4. Keeping your core tight, push through your right heel to stand up straight and pull the weight back up to the starting position. Bring your left leg back down to meet your right.
  5. This completes one rep. Do this single RDL 10 times at a slow and steady pace before switching legs.
19 Jun

After you’ve completed week one of the summer-shape up plan, continue with this calorie-burning routine. Start by doing each move for 1 minute, rest for 30 seconds, then repeat twice for 6 minutes of activity. Bonus: Take a 20-minute walk before your workout for more benefits!

Plank T’s: Tones arms, back, shoulders

A. Start in push-up position with your feet shoulder-width apart. B. Lift your right arm and rotate your body to open to a T, look up at your hand, then come back to start with both hands on the mat. Rotate up on the other side to make a T by raising your left arm; repeat. Tip: Take a rest break between reps.

Around-the-Clock-Lunges: Tones glutes

A. Start standing. B. Lunge forward with your left leg, then bring that leg back to start. C. Take a step out to the side with your left leg so you’re in a side lunge; come back to start. Finally, step back into a lunge with your left leg, then return to start. Do the same half-circle with your right leg, then repeat.


Crab Kicks: Tones arms, back, legs, glutes

Come into a tabletop position with your hands and feet on the floor and your torso lifted. Kick your right leg up, lower, then repeat on the left. Make sure you straighten your arms and squeeze your glutes.

Jumping Jacks: Tones legs, arms

Stand with your feet close together, arms by your sides. Bring your arms over your head while you hop your legs out. Hop your legs together while bringing your arms back down by your sides; repeat.


Hip-Hop-Touch: Tones glutes, legs

A. Stand with your legs slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Do two hops in a row (with legs wide). B. Immediately squat and touch the floor. Return to start; repeat.

Apple Pickers: Tones core, shoulders

A. Stand with your legs slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Raise your arms. B. Pull both your elbows down and bring your right knee to your right elbow, then come back to start with arms over your head. Next, pull both elbows down, bring your left knee to your left elbow and repeat.


Quad Drops: Tones legs, shoulders

A. Start on your hands and knees with wrists underneath your shoulders, knees underneath your hips and toes curled. Lift your knees and rear a few inches. B. Drop your knees and rear a few inches until you almost hit the mat. Continue to raise and lower in a gentle pulsing motion.

Arm Circuit: Tones arms

A. Stand with your arms out in a T shape. With your hands in fists, do 20 forward circles and 20 backward circles. B. Keep your arms out and turn your palms up to the ceiling. Lift your palms up and down an inch or two and repeat for 20 reps. C. Turn your palms straight out in front of you, move them forward and backward an inch or two and repeat for 20 reps. Return to arm circles until you reach 1 minute total.

Squat Front Kicks: Tones glutes, legs

A. Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart. Squat. B. Kick forward with your right leg as you come up. Bring that leg back so you’re standing on both feet, then squat and kick with your left leg. Repeat.

Knee Tucks: Tones shoulders, core

A. Start in a downward dog position (hands and feet flat on the ground, rear in the air, so your body makes a V shape). B. Come forward into a push-up position and bring your right knee toward your chest. Hold for 10 seconds, then bring your knee back and return to downward dog. Do the same on the left and repeat.

12 Jun

Summer Shape-Up Fitness Plan—Week 1

Kick off the season with this Summer Shape-Up feeling better than ever with this two-week routine from trainer Jenna Wolfe.

If you listen closely enough, you can practically hear the anxious rumbling from your friends about getting fit in time for vacation. So many women want to shape up for the season, but few of you have the time or energy to get started. And if you’re anything like me, you spend most of your day doing everything for everybody else…kids, colleagues, family, friends, pets. You’re so wrapped up in life that you fail to carve out time for yourself. It happens!

When you can’t find the motivation to get moving, map out two weeks of super-short routines that—no matter what—you have to find time in your day to do. Why two weeks? Because it’s just long enough for your body to get used to exercising again and for you to see results. Remember, you have to start somewhere to get somewhere.

These workouts incorporate calorie-burning moves to target your whole body. To see even greater changes, repeat both weeks for a full month of movement. It’s the perfect summer slimming plan!

Summer Workout

Monday – Summer Shape-Up

Squats: Tones legs, glutes

Stand with your legs a little wider than shoulder-width apart. Push through your heels as you bend your knees and bring your rear down as if you’re sitting in a chair. Thrust your hips forward to stand back up to start; repeat.

Assisted Push-Ups: Tones arms, chest

A. Start in a push-up position, with knees on floor and shoulders in line with wrists (upper body in a straight line). B. Bend your elbows and lower your chest until it’s a few inches from the ground. Push up and repeat.


Toy soldiers: Tones legs, shoulders

Stand with your arms straight out, parallel to the ground, palms facing down. Kick your left foot up so your left toe touches or comes close to your left palm. (Be sure you don’t move your arms up or around your back as you kick.) Repeat with right foot to right palm.

Crab Walk: Tones arms, back, glutes

A. Start in a tabletop position (hands and feet flat on the ground; shoulders in line with knees). B. Walk three steps back using your arms and legs, then go three steps forward and repeat. Squeeze your glutes as you step.


Hip-Raise Marches: Tones glutes

A. Lie on your back, arms by your sides, knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Squeeze your glutes and lift your rear into a bridge. B. Bring your right knee toward you a few inches, then return your leg to the floor and repeat with the left leg.

Classic Plank: Tones core, shoulders

Place your forearms on the ground with legs straight out behind you and toes on the ground. There should be an invisible line from your shoulders to your ankles. Also, keep your hands loose (no tight fists). Tip: Do this for 30 seconds (with practice, you can work your way up to 1 minute).


Squat-Thrusts: Tones shoulders, core, legs

A. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend down and put your hands on the floor. B. Hop or walk your feet back so you’re in push-up position, then immediately hop or walk your feet in. Stand up and repeat.

Y’s, T’s, and I’s: Tones back

Start standing, then bend forward slightly (don’t round your back). Bring your arms out in front of you into a Y shape, leading with your thumbs, then quickly bring your arms down; repeat for 20 reps. Make a T shape by bringing your arms up by your sides, then lower them; repeat for 20 reps. Last, make an I shape by bringing your arms straight up, parallel to your ears, then down; repeat for 20 reps. This should take about 1 minute.

Summer workout

Diagonals: Tones glutes, shoulders, core

A. Stand with feet wider than shoulder-width apart, arms out to the left with your left leg slightly bent. B. Lift your right knee up as you lower your arms so your hands meet your knee. Repeat the motion for 30 seconds, then continue on the opposite side for 20 seconds by bringing your arms up on the right side, then down, while lifting your left knee.

Sumo Squats: Tones glutes, legs, hip flexors

Start in a wide standing position and turn your toes out slightly. Lower into a squat as though you’re sitting in a chair, then stand back up; repeat. Keep your knees in line with your toes.

26 May

Exercise? Your days are busy from the moment you wake up. Between getting the kids set for the day, running your household, and managing your career, you’ve got a lot on your plate. And if you can’t find time to work out in the middle of it all, you are definitely not alone.

We all know exercise is critical for maintaining a strong body, decreasing the risk of chronic disease, and safeguarding mental health.

Still, it can be tough to fit in a workout on busy days.

We know exactly how hard finding time to exercise as a working mom can be. Many women in this situation are professionals, executives, and all-around boss ladies with jam-packed schedules.

Fortunately, we can tell you that it is possible to find time to exercise, even with the busy lifestyle of a working parent.

In this post, we’ll share a few tips for prioritizing your fitness and carving out some time each day for you, your health, and your goals.

Let’s dive in.

How Can Working Moms Find Time to Exercise?

If you’re raising small kids or struggling with finding time to exercise when working an irregular schedule or traveling a lot, you might feel frustrated when it comes to exercise.

You want to find time for fitness, and you know it’s important to your overall health and wellbeing, but you’re finding it difficult to create a schedule.

Fortunately, all you need is a plan.

Here are a few of the top strategies recommended for working moms:

1. Make an appointment with yourself

You’d never dream of missing that big presentation or client meeting, and you honor your daily calendar like it’s a legally binding contract. Because of this, we always recommend that women juggling a busy lifestyle prioritize their fitness by putting it on a calendar, just like you would any other important appointment.

And, here’s the deal:

Once it’s on your calendar, it’s non-negotiable. This appointment with yourself is exactly as important as a meeting with any client or partner.

Write your class times in your day planner, have your assistant block off your weekly workouts in your meeting book, or enter your workout windows in your Google Calendar.

This keeps things organized and helps you get proactive about protecting your exercise time. It’s a simple trick, but it can go a long way toward helping yourself stay accountable.

2. Clarify your “why”

When you don’t have a clear motivation to work out, it’s easy to compromise your fitness goals. To prevent that, I recommend visualizing the “why” that keeps you motivated.

Take a moment to think about why you exercise, and why fitness is important to you.

It could be…

  • To stay fit and avoid health problems
  • To feel good in your clothes and body
  • To stay strong and active so you can keep up with your kids as they grow
  • To set a good example for your children
  • To reclaim your body after having a baby
  • To pursue an audacious goal, like running a marathon or participating in a fitness competition

No matter what your motivation is, finding a way to keep it top of mind is critical.

If you’re a highly visual person, I recommend writing a “mission statement” (example: “I work out to keep my mind and body strong so I can set an excellent example for my children and be an effective head of my household”) and keeping it someplace you’ll see it every day.

Next time you feel like skipping the gym, your mission statement will help you dig deep and find your motivation.

3. Pre-book a session with a personal trainer

We tend to be more committed to things we’ve already invested in, or things that someone is counting on us to do (this is especially true for women).

That’s exactly why personal training tends to be so effective:

When you pay a trainer and book a session you know they’ll be waiting for you to show up to, you’re much less likely to decide that you just don’t have the energy to hit the gym.

Why? Simple: you have someone keeping you accountable to yourself.

With this in mind, find ways to commit (in advance) to your weekly workouts. Sign up for classes online, pre-pay for your workouts, or leverage one of our online fitness courses.

Online classes allow you to schedule classes whenever you have time while also tapping into a virtual fitness community that will hold you accountable to reach your goals. Because they’re so convenient, I think online classes are the best workout for busy professionals.

4. Make it a group activity

Again, accountability matters when it comes to staying fit. And exercise is just more fun when you have someone to do it with.

If you’re usually a solo exerciser, I recommend finding ways to involve your friends and loved ones in your fitness goals.

Here are a few ideas:

Enlist a girlfriend as a running buddy, set a lunchtime gym date with a coworker, plan active outings with your kids and family, or sign up for group fitness classes.

When it comes to meeting your long-term fitness goals, encouragement from others can make all the difference.

5. Maximize small chunks of time

Here’s a hard truth:

There’s always time to work out. You have the same number of hours in the day as anyone else – it’s how you use them that matters.

Even the busiest schedules offer opportunities for a workout. While you might have to get a little creative with it, there are ways to carve out time.

Here are a few suggestions:

  • Utilize your lunch break. Meal prep for the week to ensure you have a healthy lunch at the office with you — or, even better, sign up for our healthy meal delivery service. This frees you up to head to the gym before it’s time to get back to work. If you’re still working from home, lunchtime is an excellent time to squeeze in a walk for some steps and fresh air.
  • Wake up early. One of the easiest ways to make time for exercise is to get up earlier than normal. Early mornings are an excellent time for working moms to find some peace and quiet. While your kids and partner are still asleep, you can take a run, do some at-home cardio, or join one of your favorite online fitness classes.
  • Add more activity to the things you already do. Look for ways to combine workouts with something you already need to do. For example, consider combining your workout and your commute by biking to work, or walk to the store instead of driving. Alternately, fit in a quick workout on the way home from the office (make it easier by keeping a gym bag full of fresh workout clothes in your car at all times). Even simple things – like riding a stationary bike while you watch your favorite shows – can go a long way toward helping you maximize your time and crush your fitness goals.

6. Work out at work

Working moms are the queens of multitasking, so why not get your daily dose of exercise even when you’re stuck in the office all day?

From sitting on a balance ball instead of an office chair (excellent for your core and stabilizing muscles) to squeezing in a few reps of dumbbell curls, there are dozens of genius ways to work out while you’re at work.

Any time you have a few extra minutes, lock the door, forward your calls, and join me in the online studio.

7. Gift yourself a membership

Finding time to exercise each day is mostly about making it a priority. And, for smart, strong, driven women like my clients, one of the best ways to do that is to invest in the process.

In addition to weekly touchpoints designed to hold you accountable, buying yourself a membership to work with me provides dozens of benefits that support your health goals:

  • Get monthly meal plans and nutritional counseling tailored to your needs and goals
  • Access our convenient app where you’ll receive customized habits coaching and a cardio plan designed to get you to your goals.
  • Enjoy a private Facebook members page where you can meet like-minded ladies
  • Secure priority scheduling – because your time matters.

If you’re working remotely or you have small kids, I also offer in-home training services.

Our mobile trainer will either come to your home with all the necessary equipment for a great workout, or you can hop onto Zoom for an effective, tailored session designed for you.

This is an excellent way to get a great workout between digital calls or meetings.

Manage Your Fitness Goals Like the Executive you are

Life as a working mom means wearing lots of hats. You play a critical role in the lives of your kids, partner, coworkers, and clients, and taking care of them requires you to take excellent care of yourself, first.

When you prioritize your fitness, you get proactive about creating and maintaining the best version of yourself and insisting on a healthy and well-balanced life – for you and everyone who loves and counts on you.

While finding time to work out during a hectic day can be challenging, the secret is just getting serious about making time. The tips in this post will help you find the space, and I’ll help you find the perfect workout to fill it with.

Ready to focus on your fitness?

23 May

Just as we need to look after our bodies, so we all need to take care of our mental health. According to the World Health Organization, one in every eight people worldwide (970 million) live with a mental disorder, and almost one in two (44%) will experience a mental health disorder in their lifetime.

From TV celebrities to royal family members, mental health conditions can affect anyone at any age and at any time. They can stretch from days to decades. The good news is that physical activity can help.

Countless studies show the benefit of exercise. People who move more report higher levels of wellbeing and lower levels of stress and anxiety.

It’s more than just about your home life, too, as more employers are learning how to support employee mental wellbeing through physical activity every year.

Physical activity releases those feel-good hormones that improve your mood and give you more energy. It also helps you sleep better; we all know how poor sleep can affect your mood.

The natural anti-depressant nature of exercise

Exercise is so beneficial in treating mental wellbeing problems that at the start of 2023, researchers from the University of South Australia (UniSA) said it should be the first choice treatment for depression and other common mental health conditions.

In one of the most comprehensive research reviews to date, this considerable study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine confirmed that physical activity is highly beneficial for improving symptoms of depression, anxiety and distress.

In fact, the findings show that exercise is 1.5 times more effective than counselling or the leading medications in managing depression.

And it doesn’t take long to take effect, either. The research showed that exercise interventions lasting 12 weeks or less effectively reduced mental health symptoms.

What type of exercise makes a difference to mental health?

According to UniSA researchers, all types of physical activity and exercise benefit our mental wellness, from walking and resistance training to Pilates and yoga.

But the research did show that higher intensity exercise, those sessions when you are at the upper end of your maximum heart rate and hitting the yellow and even the red zones had more significant improvements for depression and anxiety. Longer workouts had more minor effects compared to short and mid-duration bursts of physical activity.

A ground-breaking report by the John W. Brick Mental Health Foundation (JWB) in 2022 reviewed over 30 years of published research on the link between physical activity and mental wellness. It found that combining strength training with cardiovascular exercise had more mental health benefits than either exercise alone.

The report also showed that mindfulness-based activities like yoga and tai chi, though they can be lower intensity forms of movement where you are primarily in the blue and green zones, deliver more mental health benefits than walking.

And team sports, cycling and aerobic or gym workouts are the top three forms of exercise associated with over 20% fewer “poor mental health” days per month.

How much exercise is enough to benefit your mental health?

The World Health Organization’s guidelines encourage people to do 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity physical activity a week, which equates to 1300 Myzone Effort Points (MEPs) a month.

The JWB report found we should be doing three to five 30-45-minute moderate to vigorous weekly exercise sessions for optimal mental wellness benefits – matching the WHO physical activity guidelines.

People who hit this sweet spot have better mental health than those who exercise under three times a week. Interestingly, the research shows they also have better mental wellness than people who work out more than five times a week.

It shows that more exercise isn’t always better – don’t underestimate the importance of rest and recovery.

Where is the best place to exercise for mental health benefits?

The beauty of heart rate wearables like Myzone is that you can exercise wherever you want and still track your activity.

More and more evidence shows the benefits of exercising outdoors for your mental health. Being active in the fresh air, and especially in nature, reduces stress and anger.

This “green exercise” can also decrease levels of anxiety and depression, while the natural light can really help people who suffer from seasonal affective disorder (SAD).

From boosting your mood and improving self-confidence to relieving tension and enhancing your mindfulness, exercising in mother nature really is an all-around winner for our mental wellness.

However you like to exercise, get moving this Mental Health Awareness Month to boost your body and mind.

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