Daily Calorie Intake

Calculate your caloric needs

Your body needs energy to carry out daily activities. This energy comes from the foods we eat. These foods are measured in units of calories. The following calculator is to be used for maintenance.

Metric Imperial
Target Daily Caloric Intake
These calculations are based on averages.

Understanding Caloric Needs

We count them. We trim them. We fret over them. We work hard at burning them off, but we can’t even see them. Calories are simply a unit of energy, but they are a great mystery to many. They are not the enemy dieters often think they are. We need calories from food and drink to run our bodies the same way a car needs energy from gasoline and your refrigerator needs electric energy to keep your food cold.

Calories in common Fruits

Food Size Calores
Apple 1 small 80
Banana 1 medium 101
Orange 1 71
Strawberry 1 cup 53

Calories in common Foods

Food Size Calores
Bread 1 slice 75
Beef 1 slice 120
Egg large 79
Pizza 1 slice 180
Hamburger 1 280

Calories in common Vegetables

Food Size Calores
Brocoli 1 cup 40
Carrots 1 cup 45
Eggplant 1 cup 38
Lettuce 1 cup 7

Calories in common Beverages

Food Size Calores
Coca-cola 1cup 97
Diet Coke 1 cup 3
Milk, low-fat 1 cup 104
Milk 1 cup 150
Orange Juice 1 cup 115

We give you the basics, If you are in need of an expert to help you understand more about calories, give us a call, it’s what we do! 843-663-3900

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