Calories Burned

Calculate the Calories Burned By Heart Rate

Burning more calories become easier with a better knowledge of the connection between the heart rate and the metabolism process.

Metric Imperial
Calories Burned
These calculations are based on averages.

The Fat Burning Zone

Your body’s fat burning zone is the heart rate level at which it burns the most calories from fat relative to other forms of fuel. Treadmills, ellipticals, and step machines are common gym contraptions that offer settings like this one, which correspond with exercise intensity.

The fat burning zone setting seemingly takes the guesswork out of identifying the perfect workout intensity at which to achieve the greatest fat loss. Just push a button, keep pace, and be careful not to slip on all of that jettisoned fat as you step off the machine, right?

Wrong. The term and its corresponding setting are fatteningly misleading. To help understand why, let’s take a tour through the different heart rate zones.

30 Minutes of
Fat Calories
Glycogen Calories
Total Calories
Low Intensity Group (50%) 120 80 200
Hight Intensity Group (75%) 140 260 400

The Fitness Zone

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