Incline Barbell Bench Press

Exercise / Chest

How to perform the exercise

  • Lean back on an incline bench at about 30 to 45 degrees. Your feet need flat on the floor giving yourself a good sturdy base. Lower back is flat against the bench. Arch your back slightly during this lift. Take hold of the bar with a medium-wide grip. When you have the bar off the rack, do not start down immediately with it. Raise the bar off the rack and hold it right above your head arms locked. Like with the bench press, hold it at the top for just a second and get oriented.
  • Start down with the weight slowly, touch the muscles directly underneath the point that the clavicles meet, basically the upper chest or top of the chin. Pause for a brief moment so you don’t bounce the weight off your chest, then press it back up to the top position, exhaling on the way up. Do not touch the nipple area, this is way too low.
  • Bar placement should be as stated, either touch your chin, or just below your clavicle. Even going an inch too low takes the emphasis off the target area. Keep your wrists straight and your elbows beneath your wrists with your arms tucked at a 45-degree angle. Do not keep your elbows back this put’s maximum stretch on the pecs and serious stress on the shoulder joint.
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