Butterfly / Pec Deck / Seated Machine Fly

Exercise / Chest

How to perform the exercise

How to do Pec Deck:

  1. Sit down on the bench and place your back flat against the back of the bench.
  2. Position your forearms on the vertical pads with your hands gripping the provides handles. This is the starting position.
  3. Begin exercise by squeezing your chest and bring your arms together so that they meet together out in front of your chest.
  4. Reverse movement slowly back to starting position. Repeat as necessary.

Exercise Tips

  • The pec dec is an awesome machine for targeting the pectorals, but you need to use strict technique and focus on stretch and contraction to get the most out of …
  • Don’t touch the pads or handles in the center, and keep your body fixed.
  • Don’t bring your torso forward as you squeeze the weight up
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